Die TZM GmbH, ResMed und TCC vernetzen in Magdeburg das Beatmungs- und Entwöhnungszentrum IntensivLEBEN mit dem Klinikum

  • Partnerschaft

Modern medicine is making great strides! The networking of IntensivLEBEN and Magdeburg Hospital is a fantastic example.

The outpatient ventilation and weaning center IntensivLEBEN, with locations in Saxony, the Ore Mountains, Chemnitz and Dresden, is connected to the Magdeburg Clinic via a telemedical network using TCC's digital solutions. By linking the two healthcare providers, the IntensivLEBEN medical team can now access the expertise and support of the Magdeburg hospital, which is a huge benefit! It allows them to plan and allocate resources more effectively, which is great for everyone involved.

Thanks to the telemedical network solution e:lmo (electronic health monitoring & operations), the connection point in Magdeburg can now provide invaluable support for the patients cared for by IntensivLEBEN! All of the patients' vital parameters are displayed in an intuitive and clear manner using an innovative dashboard solution (e:va - electronic visual analytics). The best part is that the dashboard can be viewed at both hubs, which gives everyone an overview and plenty of time for resource-saving exchange and individual patient care.

TCC is thrilled to partner with ResMed Germany Inc. and TZM GmbH to implement the network and dashboards with cutting-edge equipment. The data collected via the ResMed ventilators flows into the dashboard generated by TCC, enabling precise and individual monitoring – a game-changer in patient care! The amazing Universal Medical Gateway (UMG) from TZM makes it all possible by connecting medical devices. 

TCC has designed a digital data flow that enables a secure, reliable, and real-time communication structure between the two companies – a truly impressive feat! This is great news for everyone involved! Thanks to this new telemedicine network, we can now obtain necessary information quickly and easily, while maintaining the same level of quality. This is a long-term and future-oriented solution that will allow us to keep the strengths of individual medical facilities while multiplying them by linking them together. We are so excited to see this pioneering pilot project come to life!

